The Internet of Things is rapidly expanding the attack surface of the digital enterprise and exposing it to enhanced risk levels not seen before . Deception technologies , artificial intelligence , robo-hunters , are solutions for tomorrow ’ s enterprise , says Mechelle Buys Du Plessis , Managing Director , UAE , Dimension Data .
he convergence
T between operational and digital technologies is well underway , being driven by the use cases around the Internet of Things . Digitally enabling both new and old machines , devices , sensors and other objects with connectivity , provides benefits not realised before . Real-life and real-time data is much more accessible on the edge of the network and can be rapidly processed to give business insights and business benefit . This results in increased productivity , reduced operational costs , higher levels of safety and overall better decision making , among others .
While the gains are widespread and adoption is increasing in an exponential fashion , there is a downside to this rapidly snowballing trend . The fact is many sensor manufacturers are just not doing enough to secure their products by not including encryption in the product development stage . Since sensors are light weight objects with a low footprint , adding on additional security at a later stage may not be feasible .
This inherent deficiency of large-scale object-based networks in the future , is going to drive the creation of deception technologies , to confuse intrusive malware through the presence of real and fake user identities . Transformative scale-out converged networks , including supervisory control and data acquisition control system architectures or SCADA , operational technologies and wider IoT infrastructure , will see huge security gains through the presence of deception technologies .
Deception technologies create thousands of fake , user credentials in conjunction with real user-identities . Once a threat actor is inside an organisation ’ s network , they are unable to distinguish between real and fake user identity credentials . Since there are many more fake user identity credentials distributed , the probability of engaging with a fake user identity credential and triggering an intrusion alert is much higher . Afterwards an incident response alert and action are then initiated . The large number of fake credentials generated through deception technologies also facilitate pattern tracking . This allows internal teams to recreate the pattern of attack and point of entry .
To further strengthen their cybersecurity defences , digitally transformative organisations will www . intelligentciso . com | Issue 01