security intelligence that transcends borders
51. end-user insight
VolitionRx Limited, a multinational cancer
diagnostic company, has implemented
a solution from Cylance to safeguard
patient information. The company
deployed CylancePROTECT to prevent
malicious activity targeting endpoint
devices before it can endanger sensitive
patient information
6. news
Latest news round-up
15. latest intelligence
Triaging the enterprise for application
security assessments
18. cyber trends
Akamai report shows information sharing
is an important cyberthreat defence
22. infographic
2017: More than 2.5 billion records
stolen or compromised globally
24. threat updates
Latest updates from across the globe,
South Africa and the UK
27. editor’s question
How can organisations balance the
benefits of IOT with the potential
cybersecurity risks it brings?
Issue 03