machine learning
will affect IT security
The continued advances in artificial intelligence
(AI) have impacted almost every industry, with
some concerns over its potential impact on the human
workforce. However, it is possible that AI can be leveraged
to positively address challenges being faced by cybersecurity
professionals, as Rabih Itani, Regional Business Development
Manager – Security, Middle East and Turkey at Aruba, a Hewlett
Packard Enterprise company, outlines here.
(AI) has been
a hot topic of
discussion in
many industries
for a while now,
with healthcare, retail and hospitality (to
name but a few) starting to speculate
on the massive opportunities its
development could bring to how their
business is run and how customers
interact with those businesses.
Many articles are already predicting the
demise of human workers as a result of
AI making inroads into our lives because
we are on the verge of true artificial
intelligence. But when it comes to the
biggest challenges facing business,
these technologies are yet to have their
big breakthrough.
Issue 03
This may all change as we progress
into this information age and, for
me, the first proof point will be IT
security. Having grown into one of our
biggest international threats of 2018
with attacks spanning the globe and
affecting every country including those
in Middle East, a new defence is being
developed that will allow companies to
tackle the latest threats as soon as they
appear on the network. How does machine learning
improve security?
This new defence is based on machine
learning, a key component of a security
framework that can move as quickly
as those who are looking to breach
the network. Machine learning is a
fundamental part of an AI system.
Machine learning enables AI to detect
patterns in all sorts of data sources
and create behaviours based on
recognised patterns. As is clear nowadays, security is
number one on the agenda for CIOs
around the world as they move to
protect their organisations against the
malevolent attackers who are looking to
breach the network and, typically, steal
personal data.
IT teams today are faced with a moving
security target. From the devices
used by employees to do work, to the
locations we work in and the people we
send data to, our activities change day
by day. It is important to understand,
keep up with and protect against these
moving goalposts.
This can be a tall order for most IT staff
that cannot predict the subtle changes