This requires things like appropriate
protections and inspections being
automatically deployed at every data
interaction point across all digital
technologies; dynamic adaptability to
secure networked environments that
are constantly in a state of flux; the
ability to see, share and correlate threat
intelligence in order to detect and respond
to threats in real time; and the ability to
impose constant threat assessments
across the entire organisation.
Securing today’s
networks requires
full control, visibility
and automation
across the entire
distributed network.
To do this, organisations simply cannot
continue adding independent and
isolated devices and point product
to resolve new problems or address
new network segments, such as cloud
deployments, as separate security
projects. Instead, securing today’s
networks requires full control, visibility
and automation across the entire
distributed network.
There are five major cybersecurity areas
that are critical to address in order for
organisations to successfully secure
their digital transformation efforts.
and utilising security tools that can
be seamlessly stitched together. This
allows specialised security technologies
to be dynamically deployed where
and when they are needed and then
marshal the distributed power of the
entire security infrastructure to respond
to detected threats in a consistent and
correlated fashion.
First, security needs to protect data
across the extended network of the
organisation. This requires shifting
from a fixed perimeter mindset to one
where security is automatically applied
wherever data is located. Second, OT networks are transitioning
from traditionally isolated networks using
proprietary protocols to IP and Windows
based controllers that are connected to
the IT network and even the Internet.
This requires tying security to the
dynamic nature of the network itself This change is making critical, yet often
inadequately protected infrastructure
more vulnerable to cyberthreats. Those
networks are also notoriously fragile
and can be seriously impacted not only
by new cyberattacks targeting things
like ICS and SCADA systems but even
by traditional network security devices
themselves. Security controls not only
need to be specifically chosen for
their ability to secure OT environments
but also for their ability to be woven
seamlessly into the extended network
security architecture.
Third, the transition to the cloud,
especially the multi-cloud, amplifies the
security challenge. The use of cloud-
based infrastructure (IAAS) provides
flexibility and scalability, especially when
Issue 03