You can imagine what a malicious person could do with the power to enter any hotel room , with a master key created basically out of thin air .
In my experience , most hoteliers would rather focus their time on providing customer service than on managing PCI Compliance and worrying about cybersecurity issues .
industry unlocked
monitoring platform and service . The Breach Radar product solution has been deployed in more than 1,300 sites across the US and Canada . The solution was specifically created for retail , health clinics , restaurants , franchises , smaller government agencies and home offices
Edward Vasko , CEO , Terra Verde that require IT system , data security and PCI compliance monitoring .
The solution includes next-generation anti-malware and ransomware protection , PCI compliance support , quarterly vulnerability scanning , access to PCI policy , procedures and training .
“ The Breach Radar service augments the SkyTouch Hotel OS management system and portfolio of offerings ,” said SkyTouch CEO Todd Davis . “ In my experience , most hoteliers would rather focus their time on providing customer service than on managing PCI Compliance and worrying about cybersecurity issues .”
Terra Verde CEO , Edward Vasko said : “ Terra Verde is excited about the opportunity to work with a hospitality technology market leader like SkyTouch to help hotel operators reduce their risk and cost of deploying modern cybersecurity
You can imagine what a malicious person could do with the power to enter any hotel room , with a master key created basically out of thin air .
solutions and remove the complexity of managing PCI regulatory compliance . This strategic relationship with SkyTouch is a large positive step in the right direction for the industry in terms of helping to protect consumers and individual hotel operators from data breaches .” u
In my experience , most hoteliers would rather focus their time on providing customer service than on managing PCI Compliance and worrying about cybersecurity issues .
46 Issue 03 | www . intelligentciso . com