Daniel Halter, Group IT
Manager at VolitionRX
VolitionRx Limited, a
multinational cancer
diagnostic company, has
implemented a solution from
Cylance to safeguard patient
information. The company
deployed CylancePROTECT
to prevent malicious activity
targeting endpoint devices
before it can endanger
sensitive patient information.
Issue 03
olitionRx Limited is a
multinational life sciences
company focused on
developing new ways to
detect cancer. Current cancer diagnosis
often involves expensive, unpleasant
and/or invasive testing. Volition’s goal is
to diagnose a range of cancers quickly,
accurately and inexpensively, reducing
the strain on over-burdened healthcare
systems. One of its innovations is an
early diagnostic test able to analyse a
small sample of blood. time. We required an endpoint security
solution that would enhance and improve
our ability to detect threats such as zero-
day attacks and ransomware without
the need for clients to keep on updating
definition files to remain safe.
With critical information stored across
its systems and with the healthcare
industry being one of the most targeted
for cyberattacks, security for Volition RX
is paramount. The company’s ideal product needed
to be reliable, efficient and easily
manageable and it also had to be readily
deployable to its operations in four
separate countries.
Daniel Halter, Group IT Manager at
VolitionRX, said: “At VolitionRx, it had
become quite clear that we needed
a new endpoint security solution that
provided us with worldwide coverage
and visibility of all the devices in real According to Halter, traditional antivirus
vendors were offering the same old
solution ‘only slightly jazzier’. He said:
“When we were looking at options some
of the vendors were offering the tried,
tested and more traditional approach to
“Like all companies, our data is
important, and we need to make sure
we have in place security solutions that
provide us with the ability to identify and
stop the sophisticated cyberattacks that
are prevalent today.”