threat updates
The City of Muscatine announced
that a MUSCOM server and the
City of Muscatine Shieldware,
Springbrook (financial) server and
other city servers were the victims
of ransomware.
City of Muscatine IT staff, along
with other IT personnel, worked
to isolate the ransomware and
restore servers. Muscatine Police,
along with federal authorities, were
investigating the cyberattack.
Facebook announced its engineers had discovered a security
issue affecting almost 50 million accounts after attackers
exploited a vulnerability in the social media site’s code that
impacted ‘view as’, a feature which enables people to see what
their own profile looks like to someone else.
This allowed the attackers to steal Facebook access tokens
which they could then use to take over people’s accounts.
Access tokens are the equivalent of digital keys that keep
people logged in to Facebook so they don’t need to re-enter
their password every time they use the app.
Facebook said it had fixed the vulnerability and had informed
law enforcement.
Issue 07