Intelligent CISO Issue 14 | Page 72

GO PHISH es maddening because most business . inals rcrim cybe for ks duc g are sittin That is what I think the hot topic of conversation should be. What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in the cybersecurity industry? r The major areas of investment diffe tive. pec pers and s ritie prio on depending it ple, exam for ts, italis cap ure vent For is all about Artificial Intelligence (AI) e all because it is exciting and will solv ). mist opti the s (say lems prob that enables you to penetrate networks. Broadly speaking, the technologies that are deployed around the industrialised world are pretty much the same, which means that attackers can be anywhere in the world attacking you wherever you are in the world. r in While technology is a major facto for e rout st faste the , urity cybersec an attacker is to take advantage of weaknesses in other human beings. are Around 80% of successful attacks kly, fran , and ils ema hing phis by n drive ils ema iving rece unless you stop people gy nolo tech icate and texts, or erad attacks. altogether, we will never stop the hing The best investment therefore is teac e gsid alon s sign ing warn ut people abo allow multi-layered defences. You must ve you’ well ever for the fact that how on educated people, someone will click so it’s ause bec ldn’t shou they s thing to well disguised. That is why you have with d gne desi are that have networks resilience in mind. Are there any differences in the way cybersecurity challenges need to be tackled in the different regions? (Middle East, Africa, Europe, Americas.) In our experience, not really. The tion differences are more about prolifera nce, insta for a, Afric and type of devices. e quit g, akin spe dly broa , doesn’t have and ktop des of n ortio prop e sam the tern laptop end points as we do in Wes d hea per er high far Europe, but a means incidence of mobile devices. This sure expo e that you don’t have the sam , nce insta for , to crime targeting Microsoft desktop environments. al You have bigger issues around soci nt insta of king hijac , engineering s of messaging channels and those kind ling dea re you’ things. Other than that, much more with languages and with a way how to match the social styles in 72 What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months? I was the major shareholder of a d on privately-owned company that liste a ted crea We . year last ch Mar AIM in ion- group of companies with an acquisit job my ns mea h whic , driven grow th plan of utive exec f chie the be to d role change nic orga s a listed company with ambitiou That and acquisitive grow th objectives. ce rnan gove of l leve means that the and collaboration and transparency is that we need to have in the business it t wha than y toda rent significantly diffe . ago ths mon 18 or was 12 is In 12 months, when the business which to nt exte the , now is it bigger than rk ewo I delegate to others and the fram will s rate ope ness within which the busi will have changed again because we job my so n, agai size in bled dou have nary utio evol e role is going through hug . year change, year-on- What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain c-level position in the security industry? It depends on which side of the t fence you want to be on. If you wan to be in operations, it’s going to be the different than if you want to be on is stion que the if So, . side cybersecurity ebody som or CISO a g bein ut abo e mor with that kind of role, you need to ce and combine both technical experien ge. wled kno s busines I’ve thought for some really years that if you’re going to be a bine com good CISO, you should of computer engineering or some form at tion lifica qua of type king hac al ethic you universit y with an MBA, because ness busi a how need to understand . works and how security fits into that to are Most of the people you’re talking kly fran and s ines bus a run people who g ketin mar with ed cern con are they campaigns, top line revenue and grow th expansion. You need to be able to take all that critical stuf f and present it in a way and that enables businesses to underst ut why they need to do something abo to how and erst cybersecurity and und to do. help them evaluate what they have How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office? to Frankly, I can’t remember. I have sn’t doe that ere ewh som ay holid go on e forc to rage have mobile phone cove two, or k wee a r Afte me to disconnect. rs you sleep for longer, your head clea work into k and you’re able to jump bac only again. Unfortunately, weekends are p slee on up h catc to time a stop gaps; of work k’s wee next the for are prep and . ness busi a grappling with building I’m not sure that my staf f like me switching off for a long periods of time because it gives me an new opportunity to think about lots of of ideas and they receive a barrage u rn. emails on my retu Issue 14 |