Intelligent CISO Issue 15 | Page 35

 PREDI C TI VE I NTEL L I GE NC E WebAuthn represents a major step forward in Internet security, paving the way to a world of user-friendly and highly-secure password-free authentication. operating systems already supporting the standard include Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Google Android with Apple Safari actively testing the API. This innovation provides application developers and service providers the option to deliver stronger security for users, while enabling an easy to use | Issue 15 login experience that takes us all beyond the historic problems of passwords. Users who would like the highest form of protection for their online accounts should request support for WebAuthn from their favourite or most-used online services including banks, tax preparation software, government services and online shopping sites. Developers and online services that are serious about delivering highly secure and easy-to-use login methods for their users can rapidly add support for WebAuthn. Yubico and other WebAuthn contributors offer developers reference documentation, testing tools and open source servers to enable rapid implementation of WebAuthn. u 35