Intelligent CISO Issue 19 | Page 65

day-to-day basis, legal staff may need to review non-disclosure agreements, develop appropriate wording for contacting other sites and organisations, and determine site liability for computer security incidents • HR: HR representative/s will develop job descriptions for CSIRT staff and be involved in the policies and procedures around employees’ access to and use of company IT and any associated systems and applications (including any belonging to third parties) • PR: PR resources are needed when it comes to external communications, handling media enquiries in the event of an incident and providing guidelines for information disclosure policies and practices assessments will play a central role in planning the defence strategy. It will be the role of the CSIRT to mitigate cybersecurity risks and tackle different types of breach scenarios. Therefore, the team must be well equipped to gather and analyse all relevant data and must have management support for the level of security required to protect sensitive information and critical assets from threats. This support includes ensuring budget is there to implement a comprehensive programme. The team will become expert at both looking within the organisation – understanding its network traffic, its security controls, capabilities, resources and where threats can occur – and at looking outward to the environment the organisation operates in. It will need to collect and develop information and evidence about attack vectors and threat agents, to deploy risk early warning indicators (REWI) to define security analytics and help align security metrics and analytics. It should also work with the wider cyber community for the purpose of better protecting the organisation and contributing to the wider preparedness of the business community to cyberthreats. an incident. The role of the CSIRT in making recommendations on security should be clear, as should the team’s access to network and systems logs for analysis purposes • Legal: Clearly, a legal representative is needed to address legal issues. Legal’s involvement in incident response efforts should be determined and stated. On a | Issue 19 • Security: Existing security groups including physical security; responsibility may be shared between the CSIRT and security teams when it comes to resolving issues such as computer/data theft • Audit and risk management specialists: These will be integral members of the team as threat metrics and vulnerability It is clear that cybersecurity will continue to form a growing part of risk management and mitigation within enterprises. Within this environment, CSIRT programmes should form a central part of cybersecurity measures, helping companies equip themselves to safeguard data and information, in order to protect stakeholders and assets and maintain the ability of organisations to perform. u 65