Intelligent CISO Issue 21 | Page 37

H How would you describe the current threat landscape? The volume and velocity of threats continues to explode. There are many reasons for this explosive growth, starting with the fact that the bar for accessing malware is lower than ever due to the availability of Malware-as-a- Service (MaaS) and other on demand services on the Dark Net. Advanced threats are becoming more sophisticated at the same time. Many are now multi-vector, concurrently targeting different points on the expanded attack surface in coordination. All at once, an attack can blitz an organisation from a central data centre out to the network edge, targeting a full spectrum of endpoint devices and applications across on-premises and cloud environments. These advancements are also making it more difficult to detect and respond to breaches. How have Digital Transformation initiatives impacted the attack surface? Driven by the desire to move faster at global scale and to transform customer experiences, companies are reconsidering how they run their businesses – and Digital Transformation (DX) is at the forefront. Despite the wide- ranging business advantages DX offers, it also comes with new challenges. FEATURE Specifically, as DX touches a myriad of technological aspects and extends from the data centre and enterprise campus to the edges of the network and cloud, the network perimeter essentially dissolves, exposing additional risks while ratcheting up the complexity of an already-complex security architecture. This expanded, dynamic attack surface dissolves the once well- defined network perimeter and the security protections associated with it. Sensitive data can now reside across multiple clouds and is within reach of a growing array of deployed IoT devices. Traffic moves across the public Internet instead of private networks and extends to the edges of the network – from mobile devices and wireless access points to operational technology (OT). This expanded, dynamic attack surface dissolves the once well-defined network perimeter and the security protections associated with it. Seeking to address the new vulnerabilities posed by this new network reality, many organisations have deployed an array of largely disaggregated point security products. This de facto security architecture is disconnected, engendering multiple security and compliance gaps and inefficiencies that, ironically, diminish holistic protection. Alain Sanchez, Senior CISO Evangelist at Fortinet | Issue 21 Disaggregated security also wastes staff resources by requiring manual workflows and administration. Worst of all, this increases risk to organisations and security teams find themselves in a perpetual reactive mode with regards 37