Intelligent CISO Issue 21 | Page 71

GO PHISH CISO, WE ‘GO PHISH’ WITH CHARLES POFF, D SAILPOINT, WHO TELLS US ABOUT LIFE INSIDE AN OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. W What would you describe as your most memorable achievement in the cybersecurity industry? in the My most memorable achievement ing build nd cybersecurity industry is arou from mes ram prog world-class security as the ground up. It’s not as common tions nisa orga t mos but think may ple peo get bud t I’ve worked in have tigh restraints, employee skills gaps, es security/organisation alignment issu from s focu rity and overall lack of secu the board of directors. When I am able to work for an organisation that takes security s seriously, from the board of director down through the organisation, and I am able to hire the right people . and well-funded, the sky is the limit a ding buil ’, align s ‘star e thes e Onc and high-per formance security team e. plac into programme fall I am passionate around finding the right people and capitalising on their natural gifts and or passion. | Issue 21 The long -term outcome is that we be are: 1) setting the company up to tic holis with ctive proa ly high secure and rity secu security insights, 2) setting the they team up for success in ever ything ng uildi er-b care t grea a is do (which nity opportunity) . I’ve had the opportu ing orm perf high to build a few of these e som are se The s. tion nisa security orga ts men ieve ach le orab mem e mor of my e. and the journey on how we got ther What first made you think of a career in cybersecurity? My IT and security career path started early in my childhood but didn’t take form until my third year in college. I was studying physics and rs. working a lot with maths and compute s club rity secu l loca I was also part of like the ‘2600 Meetings’. I started networking and watching the industry. tions At the time, the Microsoft Certifica so and ular pop get to g were beginnin ched swit I So, . ucts prod t osof Micr were nce. majors and moved into computer scie n bee ys alwa has ral, gene in Technology, rs majo g chin swit and mine of ion a pass seemed like the right thing to do. What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position? e My style of management should com te iona pass am I t. as no surprise to mos around finding the right people natural gifts their and capitalising on ut positive abo all am I ion. and or pass hips. communication and building relations a as me ram I see any security prog yone collective whole that requires ever re. I secu is pany com the re ensu help to rent diffe hire to t also think it’s importan e is types of personalities but ensure ther nce. a bala What do you think is the current hot cybersecurity talking point? I think there are at least a few hot es security topics, but the one that com see I rity. secu d to mind is around clou s in the industry a lack of security skill line pipe D CI/C and Ops Dev nd arou 71