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. industry unlocked
Cybereason expert discusses securing the financial sector now and into the future
Lynchpin Media and its publications look to maintain the highest standards in terms of quality of contents and images used . However , the current situation has led to some challenges with regards to photos and we apologise for any reduction in the quality of our products caused by this . |
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74 48 . feature
There are many ways to prevent fraud but having the tools to detect it happening should be a higher priority investment . Chris Stephens , Head of Fraud & Security Analytics at Callsign , tells us what it means to have good defence mechanisms in place and discusses why effective communications in fraud prevention are incredibly important .
55 . intelligent technologies
62 . business surveillance
Checklist for selecting best data protection appliance for your enterprise
67 . decrypting myths
‘ Boundless Cybersecurity ’: How SonicWall is helping to uncover unknown threats
71 . go phish
Saeed Ahmad , Managing Director , Middle East and North Africa , Callsign
74 . end point analysis
Focusing on three key areas with an effective Zero Trust access strategy