Intelligent CISO Issue 39 | Page 65

Implementing proactive , tested incident response and risk mitigation plans which are documented and tested , are an essential step in minimising risk and strengthening customer assurance .
access or regular auditing of user accounts and permissions .
This gap has been especially prominent over the past year , during periods of heightened activity or business restructuring , as personnel who move into a new work environment , including into a new physical space , are even more vulnerable to threats and attacks .
Before attempting any reorganisation , companies need to consider the types of data and technology they require the reallocated workforce to use . Assigning new or inexperienced workers to different roles requiring the use of unfamiliar technology is always a risk , which is amplified when malicious activity is on the rise . During a crisis , it ’ s a dangerous combination that could open the door to attacks .
Preparation is key
When it comes to cyberattacks , you can never be too prepared . Implementing proactive , tested incident response and risk mitigation plans which are documented and tested , are an essential step in minimising risk and strengthening customer assurance .
A security-aware environment should audit and enforce cybersecurity best practices on a consistent and effective basis , utilising available supervision and detection tools , so that exposure to threats is as limited as possible .
However , in terms of risk mitigation , companies tend to deal with what they perceive to be high-probability , disruptive events that are most likely to occur and can be planned for . However , this is only one part of the bigger picture .
Business Continuity plans need to also consider events that can disrupt entire industries or , in extreme cases , the global market , such as natural disasters or financial crises and pandemics . While these events are low probability , when they do occur , they can change the assumptions made in all other risk planning – causing gaps in protection capabilities if not properly mitigated .
Limited capabilities
When it comes to cybersecurity , many companies are very conservative – sometimes for good reasons – but that needs to change . A collaborative approach that draws on the expertise , capabilities and visibility of all parties is the key to closing these gaps and achieving fully mature cybersecurity for a business .
Unsurprisingly , most business leaders do not have the knowledge and experience to enact a cybersecure business strategy . That is why collaborating with skilled and certified professionals who can provide vendoragnostic services to help assess an individual business ’ risk , implement cyber-specific solutions , and maintain those defences over time , is vital to ensuring no gaps in your armour are left unattended to .
Fully mature cybersecurity is not a destination , it ’ s a journey , and one that affects the entire organisation .
Therefore , there is no quick fix that can be completed over night . It is an ongoing and accumulative process , but if conducted correctly , it can be of significant benefit to a business and not a burden . u

Implementing proactive , tested incident response and risk mitigation plans which are documented and tested , are an essential step in minimising risk and strengthening customer assurance .

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