Intelligent CISO Issue 04 | Page 74

provides them with the opportunity to secure critical resources and stop the attacks in their tracks. Whereas a traditional enterprise network creates an internal network separated from the outside world by a fixed perimeter consisting of a series of firewall functions that block external users from coming in but allow internal users to get out, SDP is a scalable Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, which provides pre- authenticated, context-aware, secure access to enterprise applications within a perimeter that is constantly changing. In simple language, the network and apps are like an exclusive private club where everyone wants to go. This network perimeter security solution serves as the bouncer, controlling who can get in and what they can do once they’re inside. It checks user IDs and devices at the network ‘door’ then ‘escorts’ them inside for another level of approval/verification before they can join the ‘party’ to use apps and resources. How does it work? Software defined perimeter provides a secure, encrypted connection between users’ devices and apps on a ‘need-to-know’ basis, allowing only authenticated and approved users to access network resources. They can be deployed anywhere – on the Internet, in the cloud, at a hosting centre, on the private corporate network or across some or all of these locations. The approval process follows these steps: • Apps get selected: Users select the software defined perimeter app on their devices • Device and location validated: The 74 software defined perimeter controller validates the users’ devices, certificates and locations • Paths are set and app access validated: The controller then creates a path and confirms user access to enterprise apps • Tunnels are made and resources connected: Application gateways build tunnels into the network and connect users to resources • Users given app access: Approved users can now access the apps they need SDP in real-life It is easy to imagine where this ever- changing perimeter could be used in everyday life. Imagine a financial intuition under a cyberattack. Instead of customers being frozen out of their bank accounts and panic ensuing, when the SDP is activated customers will have direct access to their accounts via the bank’s apps. The apps themselves being ring-fenced by a SDP, as it provides continual safe access and non-disrupted Issue 04 |