Hybrid working works best with Zero Trust and zero friction
Joseph Carson , Chief Security Scientist , ThycoticCentrify , explains how a Zero Trust approach can reduce risk without increasing friction for users . ast year we added
L a new phrase to our vocabulary , ‘ working from home ’ or WFH . This year , we added another term , ‘ hybrid working ’, to describe a flexible approach that combines working from home and the office and which many organisations are embracing in response to employee requests or to minimise their physical space requirements .
But just as organisations were challenged in the rush to support WFH at the beginning of the pandemic , hybrid working comes with its own set of risks and challenges .
Employees need to be able to start work and log in at their preferred location while still being able to access the same systems and information they need . If this is difficult , involving what employees may see as unnecessary friction , productivity is reduced and the organisation ’ s business will be impacted .
It ’ s no secret that cybersecurity has a reputation for generating friction . But as we saw with WFH , strong security controls are necessary as threat actors increasingly take advantage of flexible working environments where users log in from different locations and use a mix of work and personal devices .
Strong controls and / or a frictionless approach
Imagine that an organisation ’ s information infrastructure is managed like a VIP event . A strong control would be to have security guards check everyone before they can enter . You would need reliable identification such as a pass or ticket backed up by photo ID like a driver ’ s license or passport . www . intelligentciso . com