Intelligent CISO Issue 47 | Page 21

cyber trends
• Prediction : COVID-19 has created plausibly justifiable ways to track people and collect information about them . The nature of this information , vaccination status and location data points , is valuable to nation states who can use it for blackmail or leverage at a later date . Apps and their databases are often spun up quickly , especially in this instance , without considering the cybersecurity risks or data protection threats and subsequently , a nation state will breach a database as a result .
7 . Cryptocurrency will face increased oversight
• Background : The FBI released an announcement in November 2021 warning of ‘ fraudulent schemes leveraging cryptocurrency ATMs and Quick Response ( QR ) codes to facilitate payment ’. A lack of federal regulation regarding cryptocurrency transactions has led to state-specific laws with varying levels of requirements and calls for uniform legislation to mitigate the spread of cybercrime .
• Prediction : As cryptocurrency companies become more mainstream and established , cyberattacks targeted at these entities will increase . The combination of cryptocurrency ATMs becoming more popular and the anonymous nature of transactions many states permit will fuel the success of cyber actors . In response , regulation regarding cybersecurity , Know Your Customer standards , antimoney laundering and fraud can be expected to increase .
8 . Soft targets will be heavily attacked
• Background : Soft targets , like schools , are organisations that notoriously have weak security protections in place for reasons like lack of skilled staff and budget . There was a record number of cyberattacks against schools in 2020 , perpetuated by a shift to virtual learning , accompanied by additional entry points for cyber actors to exploit . These attacks came in various forms , from ‘ ransomware attacks , class interruptions on virtual learning platforms , phishing emails and identity theft ’.
• Prediction : Due to cybersecurity protections of soft targets being largely unsophisticated and also lacking resources required to identify and mitigate threats , cyber actors will continue targeting these groups . The low infiltration cost and ease of entry against weak defences suggest that cyber actors will attack soft targets and turn their sights to more profitable campaigns , such as ransomware or theft of sensitive information .
Anthony J . Ferrante , Global Head of Cybersecurity at FTI Consulting
9 . More cyberattacks will be executed via commoditised devices
• Background : There are an estimated 13.8 billion IoT devices in use worldwide , a number that is predicted to surpass 30 billion by 2025 . This includes products like smart thermostats and smart refrigerators , which are becoming more commonplace . The influx of IoT manufacturing means these devices are becoming more accessible and cheaper to acquire .
• Prediction : Cyber actors are skilled at analysing a situation and determining how it can be exploited to their advantage . Regarding commoditised devices , there are endless options for cyber actors to infiltrate and compromise . In 2022 , cyberattacks leveraging these connected products , ranging from accessing sensitive information stored on a home network , to spying on targeted individuals , will increase .
10 . Cyberattacks will enter the final frontier
• Background : There are roughly 7,500 active satellites orbiting Earth . Similarly to Operational Technology , satellites are often viewed as being ‘ unplugged ’ from the Internet and considered protected from cyberattacks . However , access has changed since many of the satellites were launched .
• Prediction : IoT devices are more commonly being used to communicate with satellites . As previously mentioned , these devices create entry points that cyber actors can exploit and then establish a foothold , escalate privileges and ultimately gain control of the satellite . This is a common attack progression and it can be expected that cyber actors will replicate this technique with devices not previously considered , like satellites , in 2022 . u www . intelligentciso . com