Intelligent CISO Issue 47 | Page 39

European companies had the next highest cost at US $ 15.44 million .
Five signs that your organisation is at risk :
• Employees are not trained to fully understand and apply laws , mandates , or regulatory requirements related to their work and that affect the organisation ’ s security .
• Employees are unaware of the steps they should take to ensure that the devices they use – both companyissued and BYOD – are secured at all times .
• Employees are sending highly confidential data to an unsecured location in the cloud , exposing the organisation to risk .
• Employees break your organisation ’ s security policies to simplify tasks .
• Employees expose your organisation to risk if they do not keep devices and services patched and upgraded to the latest versions .
Dr Larry Ponemon , Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute , said : “ Insider threats continue to climb , both in frequency and remediation cost . That said , we are seeing the risk of malicious insider threats increase – with more users accessing business data from outside the confines of the office . This can blur the security team ’ s ability to identify and differentiate between well-meaning employees and malicious insiders trying to siphon sensitive business data .” u www . intelligentciso . com