Intelligent CISO Issue 49 | Page 62



The capabilities of automation tools have not gone unnoticed in the cybersecurity market . Here , Tim Wallen , LogPoint Regional Director , UK & I , discusses what is needed for AI , Machine Learning and RPA to transform cybersecurity .
020 was a wakeup

2 call for security professionals globally as cybercriminals capitalised on the uncertainty and changes induced in the pandemic era .

Unfortunately , this trend was not bucked in 2021 . Indeed , the threat landscape continued to intensify , driven by a growth in attacks and the increasing sophistication of techniques used by perpetrators , adding additional pressures into a profession that – in the eyes of many – is nearing breaking point .
Reports that a record US $ 40 million ransomware payment was paid by a US insurance company after its network was brought down and data stolen , merely scratches the surface of the cybercriminal events of last year .
Indeed , other reports suggest that corporate networks saw a 50 % spike in attacks year over year in 2021 , while
IBM reveals that the average cost of a data breach rose to US $ 4.24 million – the highest in 17 years .
Despite popular belief , cybercriminals are not lone actors operating on basic laptops out of the back of garages . Today , they are highly sophisticated , organised networks that are often backed by nation states , leveraging vast resources , powerful technologies and highly skilled technicians .
Meanwhile , on the other side of the fight , it is estimated that the number of unfilled cybersecurity positions grew from 1 million in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021 , representing a significant capability deficit among those tasked with combatting cybercrime .
The importance of an intelligent approach
This current situation is a major challenge , consistently leaving security professionals at least one
Tim Wallen , LogPoint Regional Director , UK & I
step behind criminals and constantly playing catch up .
Thankfully , however , new technologies are beginning to emerge that are demonstrating significant potential in tilting the balance in favour of security teams .
Specifically , I ’ m referring to a new breed of intelligent solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ). If deployed in the right way , these technologies are capable of undertaking much of the heavy lifting of security operations – and doing it in a more effective and efficient manner than any human could dream of .
Given the current context , they could be critical for any organisation , entirely
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