Intelligent CISO Issue 49 | Page 67

decrypting myths

The myth of security versus convenience

The ease of access and convenience to workplace systems is often observed as a ‘ trade-off ’ for security , but according to
Rashid Ali , Enterprise Solutions Manager at WALLIX , this is nothing but a myth . Here , he discusses this common misunderstanding in workplace security , in further detail . ith the rise of remote

W working , having access to the right organisational resources in a timely and efficient manner is becoming a major competitive advantage . Employees want to feel empowered and supported in working in the best way possible and this includes having easy and quick access to company data from multiple devices and from different locations . Today ’ s workforce is agile and flexible and it brings with it a whole host of productivity and talent benefits . But this also means businesses need to be able to set the correct administrative rights and ensure that staff are granted permission to the data they need , when they need it .

The principle of Just-in-Time access security has recently gained popularity among business leaders and this is exactly as the name suggests : providing access to IT resources precisely when needed . In a nutshell , it means users are granted privileges to access a system or resource to perform a specific task as and when the need arises .
Why Just-in-Time ?
The way we should look at Just-in-Time security is as a foundational practice . It is designed to help bolster security and maintain compliance while providing employees with much needed data access .
Employees want to be able to work from multiple devices , access data at home or on the move and they want it to be simple and efficient to do so . This is not a new revelation , but in the past 18 months we have seen a greater shift towards hybrid working , and now most organisations across almost every sector are embracing this in some form .
However , one of the biggest security challenges is that when this access is not available or it becomes complex and inconvenient , employees will simply operate outside the parameters of IT . Employees can see security as a tradeoff between ease of use and what is www . intelligentciso . com