service ,” said Ben Leslie , CEO at Columbia Wireless .
“ Of course , that meant the owner of the attacked IP address was still completely offline for the duration of the attacks .”
To address the problem of DDoS attacks and the ineffective process it had for dealing with them , Columbia Wireless deployed Corero ’ s SmartWall DDoS Protection solution .
Among the reasons the ISP selected the platform over other DDoS offerings , was that Corero is one of the leading and most experienced DDoS solution providers in the market , said Leslie .
Because the protection system works in real-time and is always-on , it identifies and protects against any attacks which target the network on a daily basis .
The SmartWall family of DDoS protection solutions is designed to mitigate the full range of volumetric attacks while , at the same time , maintaining the availability of the services it ’ s protecting , by not disrupting the delivery of legitimate network traffic .
SmartWall is capable of handling large network-based DDoS attacks or floods , reflective amplified spoof attacks and attacks that are typically too low to be detected by traditional out-of-band solutions .
Because the protection system works in real-time and is always-on , it identifies and protects against any attacks which target the network on a daily basis . As
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