Intelligent CISO Issue 51 | Page 67

decrypting myths

How to remain cybersecure with ‘ bringing your own devices ’

Kevin Curran , IEEE Senior Member and Professor of
Cybersecurity at Ulster University , discusses the stark figures associated with cyberattacks as of late and why it is therefore essential for organisations to address potential risks before implementing processes such as BYOD . ndoubtedly , the

U past two years have resulted in a colossal number of enterprises adopting an agile working model . What was once a novelty for many is now standard practice for workers within the UK and beyond . In fact , recent research from the Job Description Library has found that , in 2022 , 30 % of people in the UK work remotely .

Although there are often concerns around equipment , bandwidth and infrastructure , a huge number of organisations are more worried than ever about the potential security threats . This should come as no surprise , as employees have been operating outside of the traditional IT safety net with personal devices , cloud networks and remote access technology .
Due to the working environment shift , Bring Your Own Device ( BYOD ) policies have been widely introduced whereby employees are essentially able to use their own devices , such as laptops or phones , within the workplace . Although this presents benefits such as reduced costs and increased flexibility for members of staff , it also come with security risks .
Recognising the risks
Since 2020 , cybersecurity attacks have been rife . Research published by the UK Government has found that , of the 39 % of businesses in the UK that identified a cyberattack in 2021 , 83 % were phishing attempts and 21 % identified a more sophisticated attack type . These included malware , denial of service , or a ransomware attack .
According to the survey , organisations cited ransomware as a major threat , with 56 % of businesses having a policy not to pay ransoms . Furthermore , within the group of organisations reporting cyberattacks , 31 % of businesses and 26 % of charities estimate they were attacked at least once a week .
These figures show just how serious cyberattacks are and why it is paramount www . intelligentciso . com