Intelligent CISO Issue 57 | Page 51



Recorded Future ’ s intelligence powers manufacturing giant Toshiba ’ s advanced security strategy . Kenji Kojima , Senior Manager of Cyber Security Technology Center , Toshiba , discusses how Recorded Future ’ s superiority in both breadth of information coverage and volume of information was the deciding factor behind it becoming Toshiba ’ s intelligence provider for its Cyber Security Center . We also receive insight from Takashi Amano , General Manager of Cyber Security Technology Center , Toshiba . oshiba , the multinational conglomerate

T technology company headquartered in Japan , drives its advanced security strategy and transformation through its Cyber Security Center . At the core of the Cyber Security Center ’ s strategy is its ‘ intelligence-centric ’ approach , for which it depends on Recorded Future Intelligence Platform to help inform how it protects its business .

Manufacturers providing products and services in the digital age must strengthen security in two areas : first , information security , which protects internal systems and data to facilitate business operations ; and second , product security , which enhances the security of the products and services they provide to protect customers and partners to defend against cyberattacks .
Given Toshiba ’ s wide range of businesses operating globally , including manufacturing , energy , infrastructurerelated systems and electronic devices , it realised a need to bolster its security posture . The company established the
Cyber Security Center in 2017 , which is responsible for protecting its global operations from both an information and product security standpoint with a consolidated and streamlined approach to security .
Intelligence plays a critical role in this process . From the establishment of the Cyber Security Center to its current day operations , we were intrigued as to how the company succeeded in its efforts to strengthen security , including the transformation of its structure – the leaders of the Cyber Security Center tell us how the organisation achieved this .
Proactive intelligence : Essential for risk-based countermeasures
Toshiba ’ s Cyber Security Center focuses on and promotes three main objectives :
• Governance , establishing regulations and guidelines , developing systems and collaborating with external parties .
• Operations , based on the concept of security lifetime protection , which consists of design and protection , monitoring and detection , response
Kenji Kojima , Senior Manager of Cyber Security Technology Center , Toshiba and recovery , and evaluation and verification .
• Training for all Toshiba Group employees and security specialists .
With the establishment of the Cyber Security Center , Toshiba has changed its approach to be proactive ‘ risk-based security management ’, basing decisions to invest in security solutions according to the level of protection a solution can provide for Toshiba ’ s assets .
“ We realised that in order to take riskbased countermeasures , we needed to shift our focus from reactive to proactive protection ,” said Takashi Amano , General Manager of Cyber Security Technology www . intelligentciso . com