Intelligent CISO Issue 58 | Page 76

Nearly 43,000 cases of medical identity theft were reported to the Federal Trade Commission in 2021 . to the visitor . Biometric authentication provides a cure for the common password by providing healthcare organisations with the following benefits :

Nearly 43,000 cases of medical identity theft were reported to the Federal Trade Commission in 2021 . to the visitor . Biometric authentication provides a cure for the common password by providing healthcare organisations with the following benefits :

• Irrefutable proof of presence for regulatory and legal compliance . Biometric authentication provides instant insights into who accessed which systems and resources and accurately identify patients across multiple systems and facilities .
• Fast and easy patient identity assurance . Biometric matching takes a fraction of a second . Accelerated access to patient data enables clinicians to be more productive and provide better care throughout the patient journey . Biometric authentication streamlines patient registration , check-in and care eligibility verification . And , in a health emergency , quick , easy and comprehensive access to medical records saves lives .
• Minimised human intervention for improved data accuracy . Biometric identification is automated , frictionless and sterile . It ensures data accuracy even when people wear surgical masks and it eliminates duplicate medical records . Fingerprint scanners have accuracy rates above 99.5 %. Best-in-class facial recognition systems deliver an error rate of just 0.08 %.
• Mitigated risks of patient misidentification . Patient misidentification costs the healthcare system billions of dollars each year . And more important , it can lead to tragic medical errors that cause temporary or permanent patient harm . Biometric technologies mitigate these risks by increasing accuracy and tying identification to something people always have with them – their fingerprints or faces .
• Reduced identity fraud . Nearly 43,000 cases of medical identity theft were reported to the Federal Trade Commission in 2021 . By extending security to systems that contain personal and sensitive data , biometrics increases the privacy of those individuals and reduces the risk of identity theft . u
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