editor ’ s question
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W authorities and businesses have been challenged during the pandemic with balancing the twin priorities of protecting public health and protecting personal data , consumers have become more aware of the growing risks around their personal data , including where it may end up and who has access to it . With ongoing news coverage of high-profile data breaches and publicity around new government legislation on the horizon , consumers are more aware than ever before of their data privacy rights and organisational obligations to safeguard personal data . Our recent research found that almost three-quarters ( 72 %) of consumers say they have new concerns about how organisations use their data , since the start of the pandemic .
Customer trust is crucial for business success but gaining and maintaining that trust is not always easy . Almost half ( 46 %) say they would no longer use or buy from a company they were previously loyal to if it failed to protect or leaked their personal data . In today ’ s digital age , consumer priorities are rapidly shifting to take stock of how their personal data is being processed and used . To this end , customers are more empowered than ever to exercise their rights and reclaim control of their information by submitting Subject Rights Requests ( SRRs ), with our research showing that more than a third ( 34 %) of consumers would completely abandon a brand if the company failed to respond to an SRR .
With the help of available technologies including AI and ML tools , organisations cannot only locate all personal and sensitive information , they can appropriately classify , manage and
Almost threequarters ( 72 %) of consumers say they have new concerns about how organisations use their data , since the start of the pandemic .
protect it throughout its life cycle and apply policy-based retention tools to support data minimisation . They can also automate the SRR fulfilment process to ensure deadlines are met and that processes are repeatable and defensible . It ’ s also essential to bake cyber-resilience into the fibre of
ANDY TEICHHOLZ , GLOBAL INDUSTRY STRATEGIST , COMPLIANCE & LEGAL , OPENTEXT an organisation . While it is impossible to totally remove the risk of a breach , cyber-resilience encourages a solid recovery plan to be put in place in the event of one . To create a true information advantage , establishing an integrated data management strategy will also help businesses differentiate themselves in the marketplace .
Customer trust is fragile and Data Privacy Day is an opportunity for organisations to reflect on their practices – to ensure they are doing all that they can to respect privacy rights , safeguard their customer ’ s personal data and maintain their loyalty .
Almost half ( 46 %) say they would no longer use or buy from a company they were previously loyal to if it failed to protect or leaked their personal data .
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