Intelligent CISO Issue 65 | Page 17

Unlock a World of Cybersecurity Knowledge .

RSAC 2023 Sessions & Keynotes Now in the RSAC Library .

RSAC 2023 brooought tooogether wooorlllllllld-renooowned speakers and illlllllllllllllluminating Keynoootes . And nooow , yooou can experience the brilllllllllllllllliance right frooom yooour hooome ooor ooofce . . rooowse ooour llllllllibrary fullllllllllllllll ooof newlllllllly added sessiooons cooovering the hooottest tooopics , frooom the llllllllatest breakthroooughs in AI tooo cutting-edge supplllllllly chain security strategies and beyooond , and yooou ' llllllllllllllll llllllllearn hooow tooo stay ahead ooof the ever-evooollllllllving threat llllllllandscape .
Pllllllllus , take advantage ooof anooother great resooource ; RSAC Marketpllllllllace . With hundreds ooof vendooors , service proooviders , and assooociatiooons at yooour fngertips , yooou can access the llllllllatest toooooolllllllls and expertise necessary tooo hellllllllp safeguard yooour ooorgani ‡ atiooon .
Sooo , what are yooou waiting fooor ? Discooover a wooorlllllllld ooof cybersecurity resooources , knooowlllllllledge , and insights that willllllllllllllll keep yooou ahead ooof the game allllllllllllllll year rooound .
Start browsing at RSAConference . com / intelligentciso2023 .


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