Intelligent CISO Issue 65 | Page 23

Security leaders need to ask their teams if they have the solutions required to stop lateral movement from an adversary in just seven minutes .

Security leaders need to ask their teams if they have the solutions required to stop lateral movement from an adversary in just seven minutes .

84 minutes in 2022 to a record 79 minutes in 2023 . Additionally , the fastest breakout time of the year was recorded at just seven minutes .
• The financial industry saw a stunning 80 % YoY increase in interactive intrusions : defined as intrusions that use handson keyboard activity , interactive intrusions were up 40 % overall .
• Access Broker advertisements increase by 147 % on criminal or underground communities : ready access to valid accounts for sale lowers the barrier to entry for eCrime actors looking to conduct criminal operations and allow established adversaries to hone their postexploitation tradecraft to achieve their objectives with more efficiency .
“ In our tracking of over 215 adversaries in the past year , we have seen a threat landscape that has grown in complexity and depth as threat actors pivot to new tactics and platforms , such as abusing valid credentials to target vulnerabilities in the cloud and in software ,” said Adam Meyers , Head of Counter Adversary Operations , CrowdStrike .
“ When we talk about stopping breaches , we cannot ignore the undeniable fact that adversaries are getting faster and they are employing tactics intentionally designed to evade traditional detection methods . Security leaders need to ask their teams if they have the solutions required to stop lateral movement from an adversary in just seven minutes .” u
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