Intelligent CISO Issue 67 | Page 29

Effectively grappling with alert fatigue is vital to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations .
Through strategic approaches such as prioritisation , correlation , automation , training and a defence-indepth approach , cybersecurity professionals can grapple with alert fatigue .

? editor ’ s question lert fatigue is a

A common issue within the realm of cybersecurity , significantly impacting the operational efficiency of professionals tasked with safeguarding digital landscapes . It emerges as a result of the constant barrage of alerts , a considerable number of which turn out to be false alarms . This inundation causes professionals to become desensitised , potentially leading to the oversight of genuine and critical threats . Effectively grappling with alert fatigue is vital to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations .

Effectively grappling with alert fatigue is vital to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations .

One strategy to combat this challenge is the prioritisation of alerts . All alerts are not created equal and systems should categorise them based on potential impact to ensure that the most critical ones are dealt with promptly . Fine-tuning intrusion detection systems through continuous optimisation and adjustment of parameters is essential to reduce false positives . A valuable component in this process is establishing a User Feedback Loop , allowing analysts to provide feedback on alerts , thus improving the system ’ s detection capabilities .
Correlation and aggregation of alerts using Security Information and Event Management ( SIEM ) solutions are pivotal in tackling alert fatigue . By integrating threat intelligence feeds into these tools , analysts gain valuable context for alerts , enabling them to prioritise and respond effectively . Employing a defence-indepth approach with multiple layers of monitoring and alerting adds robustness to the security infrastructure , ensuring that even if one system misses an event , another is in place to capture it .
Rotation of duties among team members and regular training sessions are equally important in mitigating alert fatigue . Performing the same task continuously can reduce alertness and increase the likelihood of missing critical alerts . Training reinforces the importance of vigilance and emphasises the significance of alerts .
The impact this can have on operations is worrying . It erodes trust and

Through strategic approaches such as prioritisation , correlation , automation , training and a defence-indepth approach , cybersecurity professionals can grapple with alert fatigue .

operational efficiency , largely due to repeated false positives . This erosion can lead stakeholders to question the credibility of alerts , compromising the effectiveness of the security measures in place . Moreover , alert fatigue can result in increased costs , as addressing events before they escalate is a more costeffective strategy . Neglecting genuine alerts and subsequent breaches can have legal and compliance implications , potentially leading to penalties and legal repercussions .
Through strategic approaches such as prioritisation , correlation , automation , training and a defence-in-depth approach , cybersecurity professionals can grapple with alert fatigue , ensuring that genuine threats are promptly identified and potential breaches are effectively mitigated . www . intelligentciso . com