Intelligent CISO Issue 67 | Page 44

industry unlocked


Operating with a security-conscious workforce requires constant nurturing and commitment . Dan Schiappa , CPO at Arctic Wolf , discusses the areas in which the legal industry needs to prioritise resourcing to operate with a reliable security infrastructure .
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H time to talk about cybersecurity in the legal industry . The UK Government ’ s National Cyber Security Centre ( NCSC ) recently published a Cyber Threat Report analysing vulnerabilities in the nation ’ s legal sector . It explored some sobering truths . Almost three-quarters of the UK ’ s top-100 law firms have been destabilised by a cyber incident . Small firms are also increasingly juicy targets , especially those with particularly juvenile security systems .

These findings aren ’ t just eye-opening for the UK . They ’ re applicable globally . A tailored approach to cybersecurity is fundamental to the legal industry as a whole . Law firms hold sensitive client information making them a prize target for criminals . From simple financial information all the way to legal contracts and statements . Legal professionals need clear guidance on how to defend their gleaming treasure troves of data .
Firms must acknowledge that for cybercriminals no target is too small and no data too insignificant . By nature , the legal industry is rich with sensitive information . As firms revise their cybersecurity posture , here are four areas in which to prioritise resourcing .
Achieving higher ethical standards with purposeful compliance
Cybersecurity can feel like a constant plate spinning exercise . From keeping tabs on the myriad of attacker profiles , to investing in the right legal tech ,
Dan Schiappa , CPO at Arctic Wolf to hiring and maintaining top talent . However , it is compliance and ethical considerations that often trip up even the most sophisticated security teams .
Firms have to navigate a never-ending maze of regulations and compliance frameworks , particularly those who deal across borders and industries . Compliance takes up precious time and energy from teams that need time to focus on practical security , including spotting threats . Particularly as high-risk threats such as nation state attacks grow in frequency and sophistication .
However , compliance cannot be overlooked . As legal firms act as the guardians of ethical business practice , the industry is under a harsh spotlight , expected to set the standard for data protection and regulatory best practice . As reputation and trust are the foundation that client relationships are built on , ensuring teams have the resourcing required to closely monitor the attack landscape is essential .
It is therefore vital to implement a stringent documented framework of
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