Intelligent CISO Issue 67 | Page 67

decrypting myths

Behaviouraldriven AI : A game-changer in cybersecurity

Oliver Paterson , Director of Product Management , VIPRE Security Group , discusses the various cybersecurity measures which are crucial for mitigating threats and explains why behavioural-driven AI capability is going to be the gamechanger in cybersecurity . nsuring cybersecurity

E today requires limitless persistence . Losses from Business Email Compromise ( BEC ) scams are 78 times higher ( US $ 2.7 billion ) than ransomware ( US $ 34.3 million ). Criminals are leaving no stone unturned – macro-less Malspam attacks are a new trend , phishing emails with QR codes is a fresh tactic to bait victims and adoption of the Qakbot malware family ( an especially pernicious strain ) is rapidly on the rise .

Behavioural-driven AI capability is going to be the game-changer in cybersecurity . This said , all the basic best practice security measures remain essential . Contrary to general perception , to effectively adopt behavioural-driven AI capability , foundational security based on already proven technologies must be strong .
Email is the number one threat vector
Email continues to be the preferred attack surface for criminals and hence the strongest possible email protection is vital , supported by capability that can detect the core of the correspondence ’ s source . Say an email with an attachment comes in , enterprises must have the wherewithal to dissect it down to its nucleus to ensure it is genuine – is the format of the attachment legitimate ? Where is the link in the email / attachment pointed to ? If the link redirects to an ad , is it a phishing link ? On the other hand , if the link goes to a website , is it an authentic site or is it compromised ? Is the website a Microsoft page ? If so , it could be a red flag as criminals are able to script very authentic looking websites literally on the fly , in real-time , as it is downloading in the user ’ s browser .
Today , many enterprises are allured by the numerous AI-led point email security www . intelligentciso . com