Intelligent CISO Issue 67 | Page 78

There is no denying that Generative AI has massive potential to be used for good in the industry .

There is no denying that Generative AI has massive potential to be used for good in the industry .

answer to a question or the item it has been prompted to produce .
Effectively , the tool is just regurgitating variations on information that it has already been fed .
Generative AI can be helpful in writing code , which the industry has already seen with threat actors developing it for malicious purposes , but practitioners need to exercise more caution . It is not enough to rely on the code produced by a Generative AI model unless an engineer can understand the code that is generated . If an engineer is not capable of writing the code on their own , they may not fully understand what the generated code will do when it is run or where performance or security issues may exist .
Lastly , despite some of the conversations that have started taking place , today ’ s LLMs are nowhere near capable or sophisticated enough to replace Security Operations Centre ( SOC ) analysts . A human being is still required to make decisions and evaluate risk .
Navigating a future with Generative AI
For organisations that want to unlock the benefits of Generative AI , they should continue to experiment with the technology but must understand the risks associated with it .
One of the key concerns is the sensitive data risk attached to Generative AI . Company intellectual property ( IP ) can be put at risk when fed to LLMs , with emerging techniques like prompt engineering being leveraged by threat actors to extract information which AI models .
Another emerging consideration involves copyright .
Debates are unfolding in real-time as the industry grapples with the question of who controls the outputs generated by AI models . With this conversation ongoing , companies must be cognisant that AI-generated results may not end up belonging to them .
The only way for organisations to step into the world of Generative AI safely and securely is with a solid foundation of AI governance . Companies must make sure the appropriate policies are in place and communicated to their business users to help prevent misuse and mistakes .
With an understanding of the potential risks and the necessary safeguards implemented , security practitioners can harness the power of Generative AI for good . u
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