Intelligent CISO Issue 70 | Page 18


52 % of UAE respondents cited gap in technology as contributor to major cybersecurity incident .

Security leaders in UAE stress their organisations need to make improvements following cybersecurity incident

ll UAE-based security leaders

A who have lived through a recent cyber incident believe that future prevention hinges on the training of people , and improvements in technology , and almost all ( 96 %) want to see similar enhancements in processes .

These critical findings emerged from research released from Trellix , as part of the company ’ s Mind of the CISO initiative . The report , titled Mind of the CISO : Behind the Breach was designed to better understand the unique challenges faced by CISOs and other high level security decision makers , in the aftermath of a cyberattack .
Some of the key findings in the research focused on the extent to which gaps in people , technology and process contributed to a major cyber incident . In terms of people-readiness , 64 % of respondents from the UAE said the incident was missed because of a lack of resources ( for example , it may have occurred in off-shift hours ). More than half ( 52 %) of those polled said their organisation lacked the IT skills to deal with the complexity of the incident .
In terms of impact of technology gaps , 52 % cited gaps in security capability as a contributor to a security incident and 44 % said their IT stack was not configured correctly or that detection policies were not enabled . Some 40 % said that their IT and