Intelligent CISO Issue 70 | Page 7

ESET Threat Report reveals significant security incidents and AI-themed attacks
Zimperium report finds Malware families targeting banking apps

CISO news

ESET Threat Report reveals significant security incidents and AI-themed attacks

SET has released its latest Threat Report , which summarises threat landscape trends seen in ESET telemetry and from

E the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts , from June 2023 through November 2023 .

The second half of 2023 witnessed significant cybersecurity incidents . Cl0p , a notorious cybercriminal group known for carrying out ransomware attacks on a major scale , garnered attention via its extensive ‘ MOVEit hack ’, which did not involve ransomware deployment .
In the IoT landscape ESET researchers have identified a kill switch that had been used to successfully render the Mozi IoT botnet nonfunctional . Amid the prevalent discussion regarding AI-enabled attacks , ESET has identified specific campaigns targeting users of tools such as ChatGPT and the OpenAI API . With spyware , there has been a significant increase in Android spyware cases , mainly attributed to the presence of the SpinOk threat .
“ The Cl0p attack targeted numerous organizations , including global corporations and US governmental agencies . A key shift in Cl0p ’ s strategy was its move to leak stolen information to public websites in cases where the ransom was not paid , a trend also seen with the ALPHV ransomware gang ,” said ESET Director of Threat Detection , Jiří Kropáč .
A new threat against IoT devices , Android / Pandora , compromised Android devices – including smart TVs , TV boxes and mobile devices – and used them for DDoS attacks .

Zimperium report finds Malware families targeting banking apps

In particular , the research uncovered that 29 malware families targeted 1,800 banking applications across 61 countries last year . In comparison , last year ’ s report uncovered 10 prolific malware families targeting 600 banking apps .
Banking trojans continue to evolve and succeed due to their ability to persist , bypass security and evade detection on mobile devices . As investment from fast-moving threat actors continues to increase , traditional security practices are unable to keep up .
The research also revealed that US banking institutions remain by far the most targeted by financially motivated threat actors .
There were 109 US banks targeted by banking malware in 2023 , compared to the next most targeted countries which were the UK ( 48 banking institutions ) and Italy ( 44 ). The report also noted that trojans are evolving beyond simple banking apps , targeting cryptocurrency , social media and messaging apps . imperium , the mobile-first security platform for mobile devices and mobile apps , has released its annual Mobile


Banking Heist report , which highlights the continued evolution and success of mobile banking trojans around the globe .
“ Mobile banking security is currently in a high-stakes scenario , with numerous threat actors posing substantial risks . This report shows the sophistication , adaptability , and scalability of banking trojans and their widespread impact on mobile applications across the globe ,” said Nico Chiaraviglio , Chief Scientist of Zimperium .