Intelligent CISO Issue 72 | Page 73


But this is where we are . Zero Trust has become too limited in scope as threats have evolved , which is why the concept of ‘ Zero Trust Data Resilience ’ has been born . An evolution of Zero Trust , which essentially broadens the scope to ensure backup and recovery follow the same principles .
Bringing backup and recovery into the fold
The core concepts are the same . The principle of least privilege and assume breach mentality are still key . For example , backup management systems must be isolated on the network so that no unauthenticated users can access it . Likewise , the backup storage system itself must be isolated . Immutability is also key . Having backup data that cannot be changed or tampered with means if repositories are reached by attacks like ransomware , they cannot be affected by its malware .
Assuming a breach also means businesses shouldn ’ t implicitly ‘ trust ’ their backups after an attack . Having processes to properly validate the backup or ‘ clean ’ it before attempting system recovery is vital to ensure you aren ’ t simply restoring a still-compromised environment . The final layer of
Following modern Zero Trust principles to the letter makes you fairly water-tight when it comes to ‘ traditional ’ security , but leaves a huge gap in the armour regarding backup and recovery .