Intelligent CISO Issue 74 | Page 65

BUSINESS surveillance putting proper plans and processes in place to streamline the analyst experience .

Enabling and emphasizing security efficiency
CISOs can play a major part in reducing and eliminating the risk of burnout within the security team . A team that is highly stressed is not as effective as it could be , leaving organisations in a more vulnerable position against emerging threats .
Addressing the on-going burnout challenge requires a multifaceted approach consisting of compiling a comprehensive security plan , educating users on emerging risks , and investing in cybersecurity talent . As well as this , having dedicated solutions designed for analyst efficiency in place plays a pivotal part in easing the security burden .
Deploying an appropriate cloud-native SIEM platform can help to relieve the pressure felt by overworked security professionals as well as help CISOs with putting priorities into perspective .
Security teams benefit from :
Easy on-boarding . A key advantage to using a cloud-native SIEM platform is the reduction of the burden on in-house teams to deploy , customise and operate their security solution . Effective and user-friendly capabilities make it more efficient to on-board new security professionals , avoiding any analyst frustrations and potential burnout .
Optimised user experience . Deploying a dependable solution with easy-to-navigate interfaces and guided workflows drastically reduces the time required for analysts to familiarise themselves with the platform . Automated updates within the platform enable continuous rapid delivery of enhancements while integrating easily with other cloud services and on-prem applications . This boosts analyst productivity by streamlining tasks and facilitating quicker decision-making .
A powerful partner . A cloud-native SIEM vendor with strong support and professional services capabilities can help accelerate analysts ’ time to value and maximise the value of your investment . For most organisations , the difference between success and failure with a cloud-native SIEM comes down to the support , capabilities and fit of the vendors they choose .
Reduced visibility gaps . Cloud-native SIEMs don ’ t replace the need for analysts , but instead augment their experience and provide a reliable solution to lean on . With the right cloud-native solution , managing large volumes of data gets easier . The SIEM allows clear prioritisation with intuitive analytics that highlight patterns of suspicious activity . This reduces overwhelm by bringing organisations ’ biggest visibility gaps into focus for streamlined risk management and SOC performance .
Beyond utilising a cloud SIEM , having support from executive teams and boards is critical for security teams to operate at their most efficient to reduce burnout . Gaining buy-in and alignment with CEOs is critical in making sure security teams have the budget and resources needed to reduce pressures on teams .
Investing in security hires will also help to maintain a healthy working environment . If your team is constantly struggling to find and retain top talent , having a plan in place for your staffing models can help reduce burnout on existing staff and prevent future issues with new recruits .
At the same time , it is important to educate on security best practices across the entire organisation to share the responsibility of being security first .
Reducing the cybersecurity burden
With the increased threat of cyberattacks , a widening skills gap and stretched security specialists , CISOs need to address the growing danger of burnout in their operations .
While there is no silver bullet for this issue , introducing a solid plan , board-level support , processes for education and the right platforms can have a transformational impact on risk posture . Being aware of the causes of burnout is an essential part of successfully relieving some of the stress security teams experience .
Having this awareness in place will not only protect data but also reduce the burden on overwhelmed security teams , improving burnout rates and overall job satisfaction .
By automating manual processes , companies can ease the burden on security teams and become more efficient .