Intelligent CISO Issue 74 | Page 68

GO phish

life just melt away . I ’ m currently reading two books in parallel , Burn Book by Kara Swisher and David Grann ’ s , The Wager . One is a figurative history lesson on the emergence and impacts of big tech and the other is a literal history lesson on the British Imperial War with Spain . Also , while others may relax with a movie , I prefer to ‘ pod and walk ’, meaning I take long walks outside while listening to some of my favourite podcasts .
If you could go back and change one career decision , what would it be ?
In general , I operate with a no regrets philosophy , and since I cannot go back and change the past , I don ’ t dwell on it . Now that doesn ’ t mean I haven ’ t learned from past decisions or mistakes – I very much do and did – but they become learning opportunities or teachable moments for me versus something I wish I could change . So , in that spirit , I did work in a large corporation early on in my career and I learned I don ’ t like working in big companies . Instead , I prefer smaller companies and start-ups and that ’ s where I ’ ve spent the lion ’ s share of my career .
What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in the cybersecurity industry ?
Taking that question from a vendor perspective , I ’ d have to say AI . We are very focused on incorporating
AI into our Reveal Platform at Next and many other cybersoftware providers are doing the same . Today , there is still a massive gap in the number of cyber professionals required versus the skills we need , and AI is likely our best current opportunity to bridge the gap . If solutions can offer existing security teams the opportunity to do more with less , that will be a win-win for all .
Are there any differences in the way cybersecurity challenges need to be tackled in the different regions ?
I don ’ t believe so . In my experience , the challenges are very much the same whether your organisation is located in North America or the APAC region . Threat landscapes are expanding , data volume is exploding and there aren ’ t enough skilled cyber professionals globally . Where you do see differences is in the type of organisation . For example , as healthcare moves up the ranks of the most targeted industry , security teams are hyper-focused on protections against ransomware .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months ?
In 2023 , our company was essentially brand new , formed from a spin-out from an organisation called Ava Security . This meant my role was re-establishing the foundation of the business – from hiring a leadership team , to implementing a CRM , to growing awareness and demand for our software . In 2024 , my focus has shifted completely to revenue or ARR growth . That will mean lots more of my time will be focused on sales and marketing and relying on my new leadership team members to scale their departments to meet that growth .
What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain a C-level position in the security industry ?
First and foremost , you ’ ve got to be passionate about cybersecurity . This isn ’ t just a job – it ’ s a mission , and security is a complex and everevolving beast that you need to have the chops to wrestle . Believe in yourself and be confident in your abilities . One of the biggest mistakes people make who are interested in a career in tech or cybersecurity is that they think they need to be an expert in everything . Surround yourself with a great team and mentors , too . They are an integral part of your development and will become increasingly important as you rise up the ranks .