Intelligent CISO Issue 75 | Page 29

EDITOR ’ S question chieving an alignment between cyberrisk and security policy expectations

A requires several steps . Each builds on the other and ensures that the IT security policies in place are the most appropriate for the organisation . The required steps include :

• An initial review : The first step is to carefully review all the components that , together , create the organisation ’ s IT infrastructure . This includes everything from applications and databases to servers , networks and client devices .
• Check data flows : Organisations need to review how data is transmitted , both within the business and externally , to uncover where any weaknesses might exist that need to be addressed .
• Examine cloud resources : As businesses increasingly make use of cloud-based resources , it ’ s important to remember that the job of securing those resources is not left to the cloud provider . Review all usage of the cloud and ensure that appropriate layers of security have been put in place .
• Determine acceptable levels of risk : Regardless of how much is spent and which security measures are implemented , there will always be a persistent level of risk . For this reason , it ’ s important to determine what level the business finds acceptable and whether this is the level that currently exists .
• Manage that risk : Once the level of risk is understood , a strategy for its management can be developed . The security team can work to avoid risks , accept some risks , mitigate risks , or transfer risks . This can be achieved by engaging
Regardless of how much is spent and which security measures are implemented , there will always be a persistent level of risk .
an external specialist to manage security tools and other measures .
• Conduct what-if scenarios : Once acceptable levels of risk have been identified , and measures put in place to maintain them , it ’ s time to run some what-if scenarios . This involves considering what the impact would be on the business if a particular event occurred . These events could include ransomware attacks , data theft , or malicious activity conducted by an insider .
In addition , an effective measure which businesses can take to lessen its chances of falling victim to a data breach is to implement the measures outlined in the Australian Cyber Security Centre ’ s Essential Eight security guidelines . These clearly map out the steps an organisation should take to improve its level of cybersecurity and includes areas such as deploying Multi-Factor Authentication , undertaking patching of operating systems and applications and conducting regular data backups .
Once implemented , they enable an organisation to have a much better chance of withstanding most of the IT security threats they are likely to face .