Intelligent CISO Issue 75 | Page 50








Security Information and Event Management ( SIEM ) is a failed technology for catching hackers .
“ There ’ s a sea change coming and we ’ re going to see industry investment challenge the status quo and fill the strategic gaps currently existing in the cybersecurity landscape .”
Regional challenges
But with cybersecurity very much being a global industry what are the region-specific challenges when implementing new technologies in North America ?
“ Instead of regional challenges , we see vertical-specific hurdles . Certain industries , like education , often struggle with budget constraints and end up investing in tools that may not provide the most effective solutions ,” said Murchison .
“ When they assemble a traditional stack with SIEMs and other similar tools , they often exhaust their resources without investing in the solutions that truly work .
“ Compliance-heavy verticals , such as healthcare and federal sectors , face their own unique challenges . While they have stringent cybersecurity requirements , the prescribed methods often emphasise compliance over effectiveness .
“ The challenges in implementing new technologies are not so much geographical , as they are industry specific .
“ The key is to strike a balance between meeting compliance requirements and investing in effective security measures .”
Finally , we asked Murchison what advice he would offer somebody aspiring to obtain a senior management position in the cybersecurity industry .
“ If you aspire to reach a senior management role in this industry , focus on becoming an active practitioner , gaining hands-on experience and building a strong foundational knowledge of IT ,” he said .