Intelligent CISO Issue 75 | Page 57

S has announced the launch of the Next Generation Signalling




Smart Axiata first to launch global standard security solutions in collaboration with SecurityGen to safeguard customer data

mart Axiata , a leading mobile network operator in Cambodia ,

S has announced the launch of the Next Generation Signalling

Firewall ( NGSF ) and Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) in collaboration with SecurityGen , a global telecom cybersecurity firm .
These cutting-edge systems mark a significant milestone in Smart ’ s on-going efforts to safeguard its network infrastructure and protect customer data .
The NGSF is not just a defence mechanism ; it serves as a bastion of network security , ensuring comprehensive protection for both voice and data services . By thoroughly inspecting the signalling controls for voice calls , data sessions and Internet connectivity , the NGSF provides a holistic , deep , protocol-level inspection and intrusion prevention capabilities .
Collaborating with SecurityGen , Smart has implemented a robust system that fortifies its subscribers against potentially advanced threats from anywhere around the globe .
One of the key features of the NGSF is its comprehensive crossprotocol signalling firewall platform , covering protocols such as Signalling System 7 ( SS7 ), Diameter and GTP . SS7 is responsible for connection setup , routing and control , while Diameter handles authentication and authorisation . GTP facilitates secured data transport over the network .
Telecom customers also reap the benefits of TSG , with increased reliability , reduced risk from cyberattacks and fraud and the assurance that their telecom services are protected in an ever-expanding digital landscape . Most importantly , it protects customers from bad actors that intend to steal their identities , which further allows them to perform malicious attacks on subscribers , such as SMS spamming , spoofing and other serious threats .
“ We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Smart , as this latest achievement underscores their unwavering commitment to ensuring the highest levels of security and protection for their Cambodian consumers . Smart ’ s successful implementation of SecurityGen NGSF and IDS , in strict accordance with the rigorous global telecom security standards established by GSMA , reinforces their steadfast dedication to delivering cutting-edge experiences to their subscribers in the most secure format ,” said Amit Nath , CEO and Co-founder of SecurityGen .
“ Our collaboration with Smart represents a proud milestone as we embark on this pioneering initiative . We firmly believe that this endeavour sets a new industry benchmark for telecom security in the region .”
As the digital world rapidly evolves , the need to safeguard network and data security is becoming increasingly essential . Smart ’ s implementation of the NGSF and IDS demonstrates its leadership in embracing state-of-the-art technology and security infrastructure .
The SecurityGen NGSF , also known as Telecom Security Guard ( TSG ), prevents a wide range of attacks , including data theft , identity spoofing , location tracing and denial-of-service attacks .
“ We are proud to be the first mobile network operator in Cambodia to successfully implement the Next Generation Signalling Firewall and Intrusion Detection System ,” said Ziad Shatara , CEO of Smart Axiata .
“ This achievement is not only a testament to Smart ’ s commitment to digital security but also reinforces Cambodia ’ s reputation as a nation that prioritises and invests in the safety of its citizens ’ digital experiences .”
The NGSF offers numerous benefits to both Smart and its customers . For Smart , its implementation results in improved security , enhanced compliance with industry standards , increased agility in deploying new services and technologies and proactive security backed by active intelligence .