Intelligent CISO Issue 77 | Page 34

PREDICTIVE intelligence

In this context , the role of automation is to liberate human experts from these repetitive and error-prone tasks . At the same time , the most advanced TIPs can integrate both structured and unstructured data , add further useful context and present it in a format that is easy to understand and evaluate . Moreover , this kind of standardisation means threat intelligence can be more easily integrated into broader enterprise security infrastructure , removing existing inefficiencies and promoting a holistic approach to threat prevention and mitigation .
Hackers are known to be working together in order to share resources and optimise their approach .
This also helps address the key role played by intelligence sharing and collaboration , not least because it eliminates information silos and draws meaningful insight from previously unrelated pieces of threat intel . Automated processes can also be scaled quickly and efficiently to address new areas of risk or support other important business activities , such as mergers and acquisitions , for example .
Compare that to existing threat intelligence processes , where the lack of integration can seriously limit specific organisations , and the wider cybersecurity community , from working as effectively as they might .
Proactive protection
TIPs also allow security teams to focus more clearly on their own priorities and protection parameters instead of getting bogged down in irrelevant Indicators of Compromise ( IoCs ) that might not be relevant . At the same time , they can align their efforts more closely with internal governance standards and wider compliance requirements because , by using automation , technology is doing the heavy lifting .
Armed with these capabilities , security teams can become more effectively involved in the bidirectional information exchange that is at the heart of effective