Intelligent CISO Issue 78 | Page 27

EDITOR ’ S question



n our increasingly digital world ,

I endpoint security has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes . As the number of devices connected to corporate networks continues to rise – ranging from laptops , smartphones , IoT devices , printers , wearable technology and even smart office equipment – the risk of cyberthreats targeting these endpoints grows exponentially .

Each type of device has different operating systems , configurations and security protocols , creating a diverse environment that is difficult to monitor and secure consistently .
Each device serves as a potential gateway for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities , making endpoint security a top priority for IT professionals and business leaders alike .
Endpoints are often the first line of defence in an organisation ’ s cybersecurity strategy , yet they are also among the most vulnerable . Cyberattacks , including malware , ransomware and phishing , frequently target endpoints to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt operations . With remote work and mobile device usage on the rise , securing these endpoints has become even more complex , requiring robust and adaptive solutions to keep networks safe .
The challenge lies not only in preventing attacks but also in detecting and responding to them swiftly when they occur . Modern endpoint security must go beyond traditional antivirus software to include advanced measures like threat detection , behavioural analytics and automated responses . This comprehensive approach is essential to protect against sophisticated threats that can evade conventional defences .
Detecting endpoint attacks is challenging due to several factors that contribute to the complexity of modern cybersecurity landscapes .
In many organisations , especially those with large and complex networks , there is limited visibility into what is happening on endpoints . If security teams cannot monitor every device effectively , it becomes difficult to detect unusual behaviour or signs of compromise . This lack of visibility is particularly problematic for IoT devices , which often have limited security features and may not support traditional endpoint security software .
Furthermore , endpoint security is often reliant on user behaviour . Employees may unknowingly introduce threats by downloading malicious files , clicking on phishing links or using weak passwords . Social engineering tactics exploit human vulnerabilities , making it difficult to detect and prevent such attacks through technology alone .
To explore this critical issue , we ’ ve gathered insights from three industry experts . We hear from Apu Pavithran , Founder and CEO , Hexnode ; Grant Geyer , Chief Product Officer , Claroty , and Vishal Pala , Senior Solutions Engineer – META , Barracuda .