Intelligent CISO Issue 78 | Page 30

EDITOR ’ S question

n endpoint can include desktop

A computers , laptops , smartphones , tablets , printers , other specialised hardware such as POS terminals or retail kiosks , and more . In today ’ s distributed digital enterprises , this presents a significant potential attack surface . Securing this broad , complex and interconnected landscape demands a multilayered approach – one that combines advanced technology with user awareness and continuous monitoring and response .

For security professionals , particularly in smaller businesses , this can seem like an overwhelming challenge . However , it doesn ’ t need to be if it ’ s approached step by step .
A good starting point is getting the basics right . This involves enforcing strong , unique passwords paired with Multi-Factor Authentication ( MFA ) – and ideally , moving towards Zero Trust measures over time . It also includes setting appropriate access controls , ensuring individuals can only access the assets they need . This reduces the attack surface and helps contain any breaches should the worst occur .
Keeping software updated is another straightforward yet vital strategy . Regular updates to operating systems , applications and firmware are essential to patch known vulnerabilities that attackers often exploit . In addition , each
Ultimately , strengthening endpoint security isn ’ t a one-time task ; it is an on-going effort . endpoint should have reliable security software installed . This not only helps shield devices from known threats but also enables security teams to detect any suspicious activity that may indicate a potential threat .
Firewalls form the next layer of defence . When applied at the endpoint level , firewalls help filter network traffic , block suspicious connections and prevent unauthorised access . Crucially , when combined with full-disk encryption , they ensure that even if a device is lost or stolen , the data stored on it remains secure .
Advanced solutions such as Extended Detection and Response ( XDR ) significantly strengthen these strategies . XDR gathers and correlates data from across networks , endpoints and cloud environments , giving organisations a clearer , more complete picture of potential threats . This level of visibility is essential in identifying sophisticated attacks that may bypass traditional defences .
Alongside your security technologies , policies and programmes , it is equally important to ensure that employees are aware of potential threats and know how to report them . Educating users on recognising and avoiding phishing attacks or suspicious behaviour can greatly reduce risks . It ’ s about making security a shared responsibility .
Finally , there is the need for backups . Regular , secure backups provide peace of mind , ensuring that critical data can be restored in the event of a disaster , such as a ransomware attack .
Ultimately , strengthening endpoint security isn ’ t a one-time task ; it is an on-going effort . As new devices are added and threats continue to evolve , organisations must continuously monitor their environments , assess the landscape and implement the solutions and processes that will keep their digital assets safe .