Intelligent CISO Issue 78 | Page 72

BUSINESS surveillance

In this instance organisations may find that publishing data to the cloud immediately conflicts with their internal data security policies and regulatory compliance requirements , running a risk of incurring large fines when subjected to a compliancy audit . When deleting data from the cloud the element of hazy trust appears : consumers cannot verify if their data has been deleted ; it is at the discretion of the cloud vendor .
Considering threats to data control and compliancy make cloud migration seem too risky a venture and may cause concern for those in the midst of a cloud migration journey . This may make an organisation and its cybersecurity team feel caught in the crosshairs of competitive innovation , security and data-compliancy challenges .
However , prioritising data-centric security measures can provide a holistic approach to mitigating risks in the cloud environment and reap the benefits of its usage . Partnering with a data protection platform in this instance can provide support with enhanced security and ensured compliancy .
Groundwork ensures secure results
Migrating to the cloud with the use of a third-party data protection platform can be a comprehensive
Publishing data to the cloud without considering data privacy is akin to giving a stranger the keys to your shop and trusting them to lock up .