Intelligent CISO Issue 08 | Page 4

intelligent security intelligence that transcends borders A intelligent PUBLICATION NextGen SIEM Exploring how technology such advance the as Artificial Intellige science of threat nce can detection Application security Industry experts outline how best applications in today’s increasi to secure critical ngly disperse d landsca security intellig Cybersecurity ence that transc pe and aviation Some of the key cyberse curity challeng aviation sector es faced by and how they the can be overcom e ends borde rs issue 08 | www.inte BRAND IN TE PROTECTE GRITY D ENTERPRISE FIREWALL PARTNER Real estate compan y Azizi Developments provides visibility has implem into social media risks and ensures ented a solution which brand integrity is protected. RESEARCH PARTNER INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGE PARTNER DATA SECURITY PARTNER INTELLIGENT PHISHING PARTNER INTELLIGENT PARTNER 33. predictive intelligence FYI, there’s a faster way to stop active phishing threats 33 36. feature False negative vs false positive: How can next-generation SIEM help? 41. expert opinion Making the grade in cybersecurity. Matthew McKenna, VP EMEA at SecurityScorecard 44 44. industry unlocked Protecting the aviation sector from cyberthreats 55. intelligent technologies 81 48 4 72. business surveillance 72 Application security – the final frontier in the war against cybercrime? 77. decrypting myths 48. feature Mobile security is an increasing concern for CISOs due to the nature of modern workforces. We explore some of the key considerations for securing the mobile channel and ensuring privacy online, and hear how mobile users can best keep their devices virus-free Fighting back against festive fraud. Ralf Sydekum, Technical Manager, F5 Networks 81. go phish Jake Moore, Security Specialist at ESET 84. end-point analysis De-risking Digital Transformation. Ilijana Vavan, Managing Director for Europe at Kaspersky Lab Issue 08 |