Intelligent CISO Issue 10 | Page 72

GO PHISH If you could go back and change one career decision, what would it be? I think if I had to go back, I would spend less time in some of the government and defence clients I worked for. The commercial sector is far better at rewarding innovation, risk and drive. I spent too many years in jobs where the people around me were not incentivised to deliver, nor were there ramifications for non- delivery, and it made ever y day feel like Groundhog Day. It is beginning to change, but the culture of large organisations makes progress slow and slackens decision making. What do you currently identif y as the major areas of investment in the cybersecurity industry? ss I think investment should encompa to – tion lifica simp of tion a combina and understand what an organisation has ect prot and nd defe what tools it uses to a networks – and building and retaining e. forc work urity rsec cybe ed skill plex The landscape has become so com e ther out s tool of nce nda with the abu ‘AI, of ry wea g omin bec are s CISO and tions Machine Learning, Blockchain’ solu risk. ce redu ally actu which may not The number one way to increase security and decrease risk in an organisation is through people; therefore, a CISO’s ability to ld be communicate and upskill staff shou a top priority. Are there any differences in the way cybersecurity challenges need to be tackled in the different regions? Middle East, Africa, Europe, Americas.) I think in certain countries they are h can free from legacy equipment, whic an to risk of lot a e duc intro inherently ple, exam for a Afric Take . tion nisa orga it this is its first digital revolution and ems syst cy lega y man doesn’t have as n field to secure, making it a clean, gree 72 environment for. that most CISOs could only wish The skills gap is common in ever y area is region, as ever y vertical in ever y The cks. atta urity rsec cybe at risk from global a ding Buil . inate crim indis is at thre urity workforce to help address cybersec . yone ever to issues is common What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months? gone Over the last year, I’ve essentially ing runn to ’ from the ‘man with a plan a global business ; it certainly is an Labs is exciting time and now Immersive ence pres a with US the into g ndin expa team My ton. in New York and Washing the and I will be spending time building to re cultu our ing edd emb US team and our for ce rien expe nt siste con a re ensu growing customer bases. What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain C-level position in the security industry? r There is a misconception that in orde lder eho stak rity secu or seni a ome to bec e. you need 25 letters after your nam no The modern security organisation s and tion ifica cert on d base s hire longer qualifications. Instead, they’re seeking technical insight, ability to communicate and translate technical and operational security issues to the board. If you can communicate, translate complex issues in terms that the board can relate to and work with be people, you’re all set. There will ng out cryi over ld organisations the wor u . rtise expe of for that kind The number one way to increase security and decrease risk in an organisation is through people; therefore, a CISO’s ability to communicate and upskill staff should be a top priority. Issue 10 |