Intelligent CISO Issue 74 | Page 76




Jean-Philippe Avelange , CIO for the Amsterdam-based global connectivity provider Expereo , tells us how CIOs are often entrusted with the critical task of fortifying an organisation ’ s defences and fostering a company-wide culture of vigilance . He offers tips for CIOs charged with protecting a business and continuing to drive growth .

In recent years , the role of the CIO has undergone a stark transformation . Gone are the days when we were relegated to the sidelines outside of strategic decision-making , instead we are now expected to provide future-looking insights into the emerging technologies that can drive growth within a business whilst simultaneously navigating an organisation through the obstacles within a technology landscape .

Whether it ’ s deciphering the realities behind AI or mitigating the ever-evolving threats in our cybersecurity landscape , CIOs are now at the forefront of change and that is something to be excited about .
Indeed , at the start of last year , our research found that CIOs were on the whole optimistic about both their job roles , sector investment and business ’ growth for the year ahead , despite clear economic and geopolitical challenges . Since then , technological developments like AI and innovations in cloud computing have only gone from strength-to-strength , further pushing forward the role of CIOs as the pace of development and opportunities increases .
However , the rapid pace of technological innovation can outpace our ability to predict and prepare for emerging cyberthreats , placing immense pressure on us to stay one step ahead of malicious actors .
How security is becoming a core concern for CIOs , not just CISOs
In the realm of cybersecurity , what was once considered beyond the traditional scope of a CIO ’ s responsibilities has now become a central concern that we cannot afford to overlook .
With the proliferation of interconnected systems , cloud computing and the Internet of Things ( IoT ), the attack surface for cyberthreats has expanded exponentially . To add to this threat , as organisations increasingly rely on digital channels for their operations , customer interactions and data storage , the potential impact of security breaches has grown in scale and complexity .
As CIOs are uniquely positioned to understand the interplay between technology , business objectives and risk management , we are now often entrusted with the critical task of fortifying our defences , implementing robust security measures and fostering a culture of vigilance across the organisation . The stakes are high and the consequences of a security breach can be catastrophic .
On top of this , there ’ s an ever-present pressure to deliver solutions that not only protect a business but actively drive growth and enhance operational